
Get your happy back!

If symptoms such as feeling stressed or anxious, having poor sleep and low energy are interfering with your enjoyment of life, then I can help. Life is precious and if you are feeling like your symptoms are getting in the way of you making the most of yours, then how wonderful would it be to break free from being stuck and reclaim your freedom?

With expert coaching, nutrition and lifestyle support, I can help you to heal the root causes and transition your health and wellbeing to a whole new level.

Download My FREE eBook
'Healthy Happy Hormones'

Do you yearn for the time when you just felt ‘normal’ on a daily basis?

The old you, that was more confident, fun and full of energy.

Are you fed up of waking up at 4am? Spending mornings feeling shattered and dragging yourself through your day with coffee and willpower. Feeling like you are wading through treacle and just about meeting your basic obligations…but lacking the space and energy to experience joy in your life.

Perhaps you feel tearful or snappy, overwhelmed with anxiety or that your cotton wool brain just won’t function. Maybe you are feeling bloated and sluggish – reacting to foods but unable to identify the trigger, leaving you scared to eat. Your expanding waistline means shopping for clothes no longer brings any comfort. You are trying to be healthy and eat more fruit but it just doesn’t feel the same as a snickers.

If you would like your life to be about more than ‘just getting through the day’, if you have important things that you want to accomplish, then why not choose today to make a start and choose a different path?

Hello! I’m Michelle

A Registered Nutritional Therapist and health coach.

I help purpose-driven people to upgrade their energy, mood and sleep by fixing the root causes so that they feel happier and find the freedom to live a life they love! (rather than just existing)

Unfortunately, the pace and style of modern life means many symptoms and conditions are fueled and worsened by stress. But life doesn’t have to be this way! My goal is to help calm and support people in these situations, with individualised nutrition and lifestyle medicine.

Positively supporting your mind and body by using a highly personalised approach, can make a real and sustained difference to how you fee,l and improve your resilience when you have a lot on your plate.

As your coach, I use a range of skills and experience to help you grow in understanding and confidence about how best to support your health & wellbeing to help you feel your very best. And then, well, anything is possible!

So, what is actually going on?

Many things can impact on your mood and lead to these kinds of symptoms. If you are not getting enough good quality sleep, your energy and mood will suffer – and in turn this will also affect your sleep. It is a horrible, debilitating, vicious cycle.

Your gut health is crucial in supporting your mood and how well your brain functions. There is a super communication highway between your gut and brain that impacts on many other systems too. Even if you are eating the best diet in the world, the health of your gut will dictate how well you are able to break down, absorb and use the nutrients you are consuming – to fuel and support your energy, mood & sleep.

Your hormones also have a big role to play in regulating your mood, no matter what your age or gender. This doesn’t just relate to sex hormones – oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone – but we have many other hormones too. So much of how we feel (physically and mentally) is regulated by our hormones – including sleep, appetite, energy, mood and sex drive. While all hormones affect each other, cortisol, our master stress hormone is particularly important when it comes to managing these symptoms.

When the systems of the body are under pressure, it is also very common to hold onto excess weight, no matter what ‘diet’ is tried. Excess cortisol, in particular, can lead to weight gain around the belly area. Faddy diets, fasting and punishing exercise routines can make the whole situation worse – by adding to problems of hormone imbalance and reducing the nutrition available.

The reality is…that optimising your mood, energy and sleep requires a holistic approach to explore and address the factors that are relevant and specific to you, your situation and any existing conditions you have, to help you get the very best results.

Working With Me

We are just like plants really! Stick us in a some good quality soil (a positive environment) and nourish well with the right nutrients and plentiful hydration, depending on our needs. Provide resilience against toxins (support our detoxification and elimination) and other enemies (like stress). And give us a good quantity and quality of rest (yes, plants sleep too!). And just like plants, with a nourishing diet and lifestyle, our mind and body can do their best for us and we can thrive!

How I can help

My Services

By building a comprehensive understanding of what is specifically needed, from the clues that your body is showing, we can begin to rebalance the systems of the body that are under pressure. Together we’ll identify all the things that are getting in the way of you feeling your very best every day. We’ll dig down to establish the root causes to really understand fully what is going on for you. Then I’ll create your bespoke total transition plan – a plan that will focus on helping you to find solutions, which will develop over time. We’ll cover all areas of nutrition and lifestyle that are likely to be contributing to the symptoms you are experiencing. I can help you to get back into balance, manage your symptoms and feel happier. Most importantly, I will help you find the time, space and motivation to implement your plan, at your pace… to get your happy back.

Single Sessions

If you are unsure about where to start, but you know you want to take some action now, then start here. Two ‘toe-dipping’ options to choose from to set you on your journey.

Foundation Programmes

These starter programmes are for people with less complex health problems who need less intensive support or those who want a more flexible, ‘pay-as-you-go’ support option

Total Transition Programmes

My signature packages are designed to provide comprehensive analysis, recommendations, and coaching support over a longer time-frame, to boost your implementation success and maximise outcomes. We will explore all factors related to your health and wellbeing in depth.

Clinical Testing

Testing can be a really useful tool, along side other sources of information, to help identify more clearly what is going on for you and which areas to focus on. I work with a wide range of national and international laboratories that primarily work directly with practitioners. Many of these sophisticated tests are not ordinarily available in mainstream health settings, and can provide powerful information to guide our next steps.

What My Clients Say


Get your happy back!

Discover how upgrading your nutrition and lifestyle can help you to balance your hormones, boost your mood and feel happier in your own skin.

Download my free 'Healthy Happy Hormones' guide and start your journey back to happy.

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