
Total Transition Programmes

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'Healthy Happy Hormones'

Total Transition Programmes

These programmes are designed to provide comprehensive analysis, recommendations, and coaching support over a longer time-frame, to boost your implementation success and maximise outcomes. We will explore all factors related to your health and wellbeing in depth.

The aim of these programmes is to enable you to make significant progress towards your goals. This may however, be variable depending on your starting point and individual results.

There are 3 options ‘Flourish’, ‘Blossom’ and ‘Bloom’ (my signature programme).

Flourish Programme

Fortnightly Meetings

£550 (via Zoom)
£610 (In person)

Blossom Programme

Weekly meetings

Enhanced coaching focus
£850 (via Zoom)
£960 (In person)

Bloom Programme

Weekly meetings

Optimal coaching focus
Enhanced support time
In-depth analysis of current diet
Optional upgrades
£1150 (via zoom)
£1260 (in person)

More Details

Each programme includes 12 weeks of support as outlined below and reasonable email support between sessions:

  • Initial in-depth investigation of your circumstances in the form of a comprehensive assessment session (60-90 minutes) at the outset, including your life mapping, dietary analysis, case history, symptoms, any diagnoses etc.
  • Significant research time outside of sessions in relation to your specific circumstances
  • Review of your existing medication use and identification of any potential safety concerns relating to interactions (with other medications/supplements/nutrients). In addition, potential nutrient deficiencies or side-effects from any existing medication will be explored and helpful actions (where relevant) included in my recommendations.
  • ‘Interpretation’ of your recent blood test results from your GP from a functional medical perspective (if relevant/appropriate)
  • Identification of suitable testing (if appropriate)
  • If required, support to choose additional testing, ordering, and making arrangements for chosen testing followed by interpretation of the results
  • Following investigation, feedback session (60 mins) to share what I think are the key areas to focus on, in order to move you closer to your intended aims and gain the most benefit
  • Personalised recommendations (including nutrition and lifestyle actions as relevant) in your own ‘Total Transition Plan’, based on what you want to achieve;
  • Review of your existing supplement use and recommendations for supplements (if relevant/appropriate)
  • Follow-up consultation sessions (30-45 mins) every fortnight (Flourish) or every week (Blossom and Bloom) throughout your programme to continue with implementation, which may involve tweaking, changes or additional recommendations and/or coaching
  • Use of coaching approach and techniques to assist you in implementation success by exploring barriers, enhancing motivation, and providing accountability framework (Blossom and Bloom include an enhanced level of health coaching)
  • Provision of practical handouts, recipes, and product information as relevant to your needs.
  • End of programme progress & review session (30mins)

My signature programme (‘Bloom’) in addition to providing all of the above, includes:

  • In-depth analysis of your current diet to identify additional support needs (nutrient analysis of your 7-day food diary using specialist software)
  • An enhanced level of support with 60 minute coaching appointments

Plus optional upgrades of:

  • A comprehensive clinical test and interpretation of results, to understand and rebalance your current nutrient status
  • Specific food plans to meet your requirements and account for any restrictions

Monthly payment plans

Monthly payment plans are available for all total transition programmes.

Programmes and packages do not include the cost of biochemical testing or supplements except where indicated. If these are recommended, the cost will be discussed with you and their purchase is optional.

Who are Total Transition Packages most suitable for?
  • People who are serious about changing how they feel
  • People who want an enhanced level of support to help them to understand, manage and support their existing health conditions and/or symptoms
  • People who have a complex medical history, multiple diagnosed conditions and/or medications
  • People who need lots of additional support and coaching to implement recommendations (choose Bloom)
  • People who want to ‘get their happy back!’
Who are Total Transition Packages not suitable for?
  • People who are already working in depth with another therapist where recommendations may conflict
  • Those who are unable to commit the investment of time required

There may be other situations where working together will not be possible. For example, anyone who has outstanding ‘red flag’ symptoms that have not been checked by a medical professional or anyone with a current eating disorder. Please contact me to discuss further.

If you are unsure of which programme or package to book, then please book in for a Wellness KICKSTART session to discuss further what you are looking for.

A note on the importance of a therapeutic relationship…..

Research has found that the therapeutic relationship is an important factor in getting results in any setting. This includes things like how well we get on, that you feel trust and comfort in sharing details of your journey with me, and that you play an active role in your programme.

In the same way, I will only agree to work with you if I believe that I can help and that we can work well together. If you are interested in working with me on a programme, it is important that we have an initial conversation to see if we are well suited and so that we can explore the best option for you.

*See terms & conditions for full details of programmes and costs which will be provided on request, following our initial discussion. Any questions, please do get in touch.

What My Clients Say


“I would 100% recommend Michelle, her research and knowledge into my personal issues was a very beneficial aid for me to have a better understanding of how I needed to make some important life and dietary changes.

Have learnt so much about myself and my individual needs, information I never gained from my GP or other NHS services about PCOS”


35, Colchester